Top Ten Tuesday - Books You Never Reviewed

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke and The Bookish

This Week's Prompt is: Top Ten Books You Loved But Never Wrote A Review For

Considering the vast scope of my reading life before I started this blog a few years back (hell, I could probably fill this list ten times over with books I read before blogging was a word) I think I'll touch on entire series which I love that haven't gotten their due here on the Bookshelf.

1. Miles Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold - Well, obviously. I've probably even re-read the whole series twice in the past year and the only one of them I've reviewed on the blog is Cryoburn.

2. Aubrey/Maturin Series by Patrick O'Brian - I really enjoyed all 20 and a half books, but the idea of reviewing them seems difficult; I mentally blend together what happened in each slim volume.

3. Discworld by Terry Pratchett - I loved a good half of these books, and have even re-read a few since I started the blog, but haven't reviewed a one.

4. The Dark Tower by Stephen King - I love Dark Tower, but haven't written a word about it. I hope to rectify this one soon, though.

5. Dragonlance - One of my very favorite worlds as a teenager, but I've only touched on a crappy recent one here.

6. Raymond Chandler's Marlowe books - Shortly before starting this blog, I went on a kick where I read a ton of classic noir. Chandler's were my favorite.

7. The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle - I've talked a lot around my love of Holmes, and addressed pastiches, but never really written about the stories themselves.

8. Rudyard Kipling is another author I was reading a ton of shortly before starting to write about books, but haven't written about yet. (Favorites include Kim, Puck of Pook's Hill, The Jungle Book...)

9. James Bond Series by Ian Fleming - These books have ups and downs, and are seriously dated, but I love some of them (Moonraker, Diamonds are Forever, For Your Eyes Only, The Spy Who Loved Me...) and have never reviewed any.

10. Lord of the Rings - Is coming! I'm doing a read-along with a few other blogs this fall, but I've been meaning to re-read those books for over a year.


  1. that's a great list of books--I love LOTR but I have reviewed it so I didn't include it on my list.


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