New Theme Week: The Work of Mercedes Lackey

It's time again for a new theme week!

This time I'm reading the work of just one author: the incredibly prolific Mercedes Lackey. Ms. Lackey was one of my favorite authors in high school and I still pick up the occasional new book when I'm in the mood for some girl-positive fantasy. I was in need of a mix of nostalgia and the fantastic, so I'm reading a grand array of her work, some I've read before and some I haven't, in selections from many different series.

Here's the schedule (links will also appear here as reviews are posted)

Mon Aug 15: The Lark and the Wren
Tues Aug 16: Trio of Sorcery
Wed Aug 17: Oathbound and Oathbreakers
Thurs Aug 18: Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Fri Aug 19: Knight of Ghosts and Shadows
Sat Aug 20: Arrows of the Queen
Sun Aug 21: Unnatural Issue

What's your favorite book by Mercedes Lackey? I remember being really fond of the Mage Storms Trilogy, but those will have to wait for another session of re-reading.

Previous Theme Weeks:
Fantasy Flashback
Star Trek

Other Previous Themed Explorations:
Historical “Girls” Novels
Anthropomorphic Animal Societies
Holmes Pastiche
Vampire Literature
Pre-Tolkien Fantasy


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