Book Blogger Hop Oct 29

 Book Blogger Hop

The Book Blogger Hop is a blog party/link list hosted by 
Every week there is a question for the bloggers to consider.

This week:
"What is the one bookish thing you would love to have, no matter the cost?" 

Hmmm... this is difficult, because I am fairly happy with my reading life. I have a severe lack of space for new books, but now I have a Kindle.  I was thinking: What would I love to have a really nice edition of?  But I have a good Collected Works of Shakespeare, and a Complete Holmes with original illustrations, all of the Vorkosigan novels in nice editions and a lovely hard cover LOTR...  

So I'm going to say, if I won the lottery, I would like to have a bookstore.  (The lottery part means that I don't have to sell popular but boring books to stay in business.)  Where I could read and talk to people about books all the time, and encourage the sales of books that I love.

Yeah, I think that works.


  1. Oh! Love it. That is such a great wish - I would love a bookstore, if only we didn't have to worry about making any $ and could just talk about/enjoy books all day long! :)

  2. What a great idea. To be able to talk books all day and not have to sell anything...sounds like a librarian! =) Stopping by from the Hop!

  3. Awesome wish!

    Hopping by :) New follower :)

  4. "all of the Vorkosigan novels in nice editions "

    Nice!! do you have any idea how hard that stuff is to find?? some of them are in print, some of them are out of print, what a pain!

    I want a copy of everything ever written by my faves - Robert Heinlien, Steven Brust, Joe Abercrombie, Ai Yazawa - and in her case, I don't want everything that's been translated, i want EVERYTHING, and i want it all translated into English!

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments!

    @littleredreviewer: Collecting the Vorkosigan books was a relatively new thing, and it isn't like mine are super pretty, just nice collected readable paperbacks. I did luck out and grab Borders of Infinity cheap used, even though I had all the stories in the collected editions. (I had a much harder time collecting all the James Bond novels, because I decided I wanted them all to be the same edition.) Although if you like eBooks, now you can just buy Cryoburn and presto! You have the entire Vorkosiverse except for Memory. (Which is somewhat ironic, since Memory is the one I've been reading to bits recently.)

    I try not to collect too many series, to save room in the apartment, but the list of books I want if we ever get a house is growing: the Mary Russell books, the complete Aubrey/Maturin series...

  6. I don't need anything for reading - it's all good.When some other gadget comes out - a waterproof color kindle that is solar powered, or something that allows us to read while we are asleep then I will have something to hanker. I am always amazed at LKH Anita Blake output. It sounds like she just sneezed that one out or something. Sometimes it is hard to walk away from a cash cow like Anita Blake.

    I do love her Meredith Gentry series.
    Stop by soon and say hi: Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    twitter: @fangswandsfairy


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