Top Ten Tuesday - Books You've Lied About

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke and The Bookish

This Week's Prompt is: Top Ten Books you lied about

I'm sure there were some, but I'm having a hard time thinking of any. I can't even think of any books assigned for school that I "lied" about reading (i.e. didn't read but passed the test or whatever). And more than once I felt like a chump for actually reading those books, let me tell you. I can think of a few bookish lies I've told in my time, though:

1: No, I wasn't reading (when I was supposed to be doing xyz).

2: Sure, I've heard of (book that you think I should have heard of).

3. No, I've never read fanfic (certainly never wasted hours on the damn addictive stuff).

Generally, if I've read something, I'll own up to it. Well, depending. There are a handful of romance/erotica type books I've made it through that I don't exactly advertise except among my girlfriends. But if you asked me straight out, I'd probably tell you. Unless you're my Mom. Who reads my blog. 


Hi Mom!

Did I ever tell you about how that book you bought me in high school with the unicorn on the cover had sex in it? I think I lied about that for a while...


  1. Hahaha...I love it. I agree that there were very few books I didn't read and lied about. It was a hard topic for me this week.

  2. Interesting list. There are some books we can never get into...

    Here is my Top Ten post!

  3. Funny. I bet your mom knew the truth. In her heart of hearts.

    Hope you'll stop by my blog: Readerbuzz. Not much there this week, but maybe, if you browse a bit, you will find something else of interest. And I do have a great giveaway going on....

  4. OK. I confess. What is Fanfic? I don't know....

  5. @ Anne:
    I mean "Fan Fiction", i.e. works written by amateur fans using someone else's world/characters. This is often very badly written, and occasionally quite good. Often posted on the internet. Often involves characters having relationships they don't have in the real book/movie/etc., crossovers with other books/movies/etc., or general "what if?" style stories. More info :)

  6. Haha I'm also guilty of #2! I think I've feigned knowledge of more than one book (usually some sort of classic) when really, I've had -no- idea!


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