Comics Briefly: Batgirl #21, Birds of Prey #12, X:Men Legacy #248

Favorite Issue This Week: Birds of Prey #12

All books new in stores on 5/11/11

Batgirl #21
Writer: Brian Q. Miller, Penciler: Dustin Nguyen, Inker: Derek Fridolfs, Colorist: Guy Major

Strong issue. Good developments with most of Steph's supporting cast, leading to what should be a good shakeup of of her status quo (her status quo wasn't quite clicking for me anyhow). Steph herself is in rare form; her attitude and skills are right on.

Birds of Prey #12
Writer: Gail Simone, Artist: Jesus Saiz, Colorist: Nei Ruffino

Now this is a good issue. All the character voices were on, and the tension was strong without edging into melodrama. Everyone got a nice moment, the team coordination was great, the art is fluid, clear and gorgeous. Yay for Question showing up!

X:Men Legacy #248 
Writer: Mike Carey, Penciler: Jorge Molina, Inkers: Craig Yeung and Pat Davidson, Colors: Matthew Wilson

This picks up from the end of the Age of X event, and it is basically what I want an X-book to be. Strong character writing all over the place. Plenty of angst, which comes right up to the edge of silly for me but pulls me in anyway. There are half a dozen little character plots going on, and I'm actually intrigued by all of them. Highlights: Emma, Scott, Frenzy, *won'tsaybecausespoiler*, Gambit, Rogue, Magneto. Basically the whole issue. Lowlight: One really ugly panel of Frenzy's face. Not sure what happened there.

Also Considered: 

Flashpoint #1
I skimmed/read this. The reveal at the end was cute and all, but I am not sold on the idea of this event. All the alternate characters seem boring to me.


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