Are You Ready?

It's that time of year! There's only one short week until one of the happiest days on the geek's calendar: FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! Do you know where to go on May 7th to get your free comic(s)? The Free Comic Book Day Website has a store locator for your convenience, as well as a list of some comics you might see. (not all books are available in all locations) If you haven't read comics in a while, or don't think you're interested, this is your chance to give it a try, for FREE. I'm lucky, because in NYC the comic stores are very generous with their loot. Check out my posts about last year's haul: Part One , Part Two FCBD Comics I'm especially looking forward to this year: (Many of these issues have preview pages up on the FCBD site!) Avatar: the Last Airbender/Clone War s (A:TLA COMIC! WHOOO!!!) Darkwing Duck/Chip n'Dale (This will probably be a reprint of stuff I have, but if you're not reading this yet, pick up the freebie!) ...