Top Ten Tuesday - Books Recommended by Another Blogger

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke and The Bookish

This Week's Prompt:
Top Ten Books I Read Because Of Another Blogger

Happy Book Blogger Appreciation Week, everyone!

1: Champion of the Rose, by Andrea K. Host
This was reviewed positively by The Book Smugglers, and I remembered that when I saw it spotlighted on Kindle Nation Daily.
This is probably the recommendation that had the most effect on my reading, as I have since purchased all of Ms. Host's novels, and read all but the most recent.
More Reviews: The Silence of MedairStray (Touchstone)

2: God's War, by Kameron Hurley
Reviewed at Little Red Reviewer Unfortunately, I didn't like this book nearly as much as she did.

3: Star Trek: Harbinger, by David Mack
Picked this out after kind words over at This Week at the Library

I guess I could also count
4: Dawn by Octavia Butler
because while it wasn't recommended specifically by any feed I was reading, when I picked this up I was inspired by other bloggers who were actively trying to read more books NOT written by white people.

Books I have read already, but haven't posted reviews for yet:

5: Treespeaker by Katie W. Stewart
Reviewed at Sift Book Reviews

6: The Last Man On Earth Club by Paul R. Hardy
Reviewed at Sift Book Reviews

7: The Demolished Man, by Alfred Bester
Reviewed at Dreaming About Other Worlds

On the TBR List:

8: The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch
After the gushing praise at both Little Red Reviewer and The Hopeful Librarian

9: Will Supervillains Be on the Final?: Liberty Vocational Volume 1 by Naomi Novik 
Found out this book existed at Book Smugglers

All I can come up with for now... Do you have any favorite recommendations?


  1. That's great that you remembered where your recommendations came from. Book bloggers are a great resource, aren't they?


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