Follow Friday/Book Blogger Hop July 15

This is Follow Friday, hosted by Parajunkee's View

Today's Question is:

Q. What do I do when I am not reading?

I assume this question refers to other leisure activities ;)

I watch geeky TV and Movies on Netflix (no cable for us!) and I make art. Check out my custom dolls and action figures on my other blog, The Blue Fairy's Workshop.

Book Blogger HopThe Book Blogger Hop is hosted at

Today's Question is:

How/Where do you get your books? Do you buy them or go to the library? Is there a certain website you use like paperbackswap?

The vast majority of my books come from the library. I don't have the space or money for it to be otherwise. One of the biggest things I love about living in New York City is the extensive library systems, and the fact that my closest branch is only a 5 minute walk from my front door! Next in line is the internet for free or cheap ebooks for my Kindle, usually found on either Amazon or, or for public domain works.

Happy Hopping, everyone!


  1. Hi, just blogging by, Happy Friday!

  2. Beautiful dolls :)

    New follower

    Here's mine:

  3. Hopping through. Wow, your dolls are awesome. Love the fighter barbie.
    My Hop

  4. Thanks everyone! Special thanks to anyone who clicked over to the Workshop ;) Hope you're having a good weekend!


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