Comics Briefly: American Vampire #16

Yeah, there was only one book that came out this week that I thought was worth buying. But it is completely worth buying.

American Vampire #16 (Ghost War Part 4)
Writer: Scott Snyder, Artist: Rafael Albuquerque, Colors: Dave MaCaig

Not much new to say really. Another awesome issue from the American Vampire team. I just always want more! I'm surprised and glad that Henry is on the ball in this issue. The art is gorgeous and the story both fast-paced and subtle, again, as usual. I want to know what happens next, dammit!

Also I recently went back and re-read the entire series. It's so good. So dark and violent and sweet and touching and twisty. I particularly love the cover art, both the design of each one and the way it marks the different arcs. And I didn't realize until I had them all out, but check out "Ghost War" so far (click for big!):



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