Comics Briefly: American Vampire #19, Avengers Academy #19, Justice League Dark #1, The Fury of Firestorm #1

Favorite Book This Week: Huh. All the books had highs and lows this week. Favorite Writing: American Vampire. Favorite Art: Justice League Dark. All Issues new in stores on 9/28/11 American Vampire #19 Writer: Scott Snyder, Artist: Jordi Bernet, Colors: Dave McCaig Darn, this issue was not as good as I was hoping it would be. It has some very strong bits of dialogue, although I think adding extended early history between Skinner and Book at the very start of the issue is unecessary and just clogs up the story. Once the plot gets going it gets pretty good, but I really dislike Bernet's art. The cover is pretty, but totally misleading for what's inside. The final splash page, in particular, is awful. I mean, maybe they're trying to evoke a sort of oldfashioned cartooning style, but it doesn't match anything, even in this issue, and I just think it takes a moment that should be scary and awesome and makes it WTF? Avengers Academy #19 Writer: Christos Gage...