Comics Briefly: American Vampire #17, Secret Avengers #15, X-Men: Legacy #252
Favorite Issue This Week: American Vampire #17 All Issues were new in store on 7/27/11 American Vampire #17 (Ghost War Part 5) Writer: Scott Snyder, Artist: Rafael Albuqueque, Colors: Dave McCaig There's a strong ramp up in tension in this issue, piling violent twist onto violent twist. I wish we'd gotten a hair more from some of the soldiers, especially after one interchange that seemed to be hinting at a reveal yet to come. The final splash page was expected, but welcome and satisfying. I am getting a bit tired of this arc, though. Secret Avengers #15 Writer: Nick Spencer, Penciler: Scot Eaton, Inker: Jaime Mendoza, Colorist: Frank D'Armata I have mixed feelings about this issue. It had quite a bit more of a metatexual vibe than I generally prefer, although I think it was fairly well done. The premise: Black Widow debates the merits of comic book style death with a bunch of civilians. It flirted with the edge between intriguing commentary on the genre...