Tales from Watership Down

Tales from Watership Down
Richard Adams, 1996

Premise: Stories in the world of Watership Down. Includes additional rabbit myths and legends as well as some continuing adventures.

I was sure this wasn't going to be good. 

How could it be? The author returns to his most famous book two decades later to write some spin-off material. When is that ever worthwhile?

This time it is.

To be fair, this book doesn't really stand alone. I think the stories would make little sense to anyone who hasn't read Watership Down. It doesn't have anything with very high stakes or long-term danger. It just gently extends the world a little bit around the edges. 

I loved reading this. I found the stories that were probably Adams' attempt to make up for severely sidelining the does in the original book to be a bit obvious, but it was still enjoyable to get some of the female rabbits' own adventures. 

This was another book I read because it's been on my bookshelf forever, but this might be the first one I'm definitely going to keep.

4 Stars - A Very Good Book


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