Network Effect (The Murderbot Diaries)

Network Effect (The Murderbot Diaries)
Martha Wells, 2020

Hugo winner - 2021

Premise: Murderbot's relationships with both humans and AIs are tested in a dangerous new adventure.

After four exciting and intriguing novellas, the Murderbot series continues with this full-length novel. It really does feel like a suitable continuation, one which takes all the themes of the shorter pieces and creates something bigger that feels like the right next step without feeling forced or overlong. 

It combines all the best of the series so far: touching, subtle, exciting, and laugh-out-loud hilarious. There's more exploration of AI autonomy as well as human moral codes, especially as the people of Preservation who gave Murderbot sanctuary have to deal with people who live in the Corporate Rim. 

It's a great example of how effective it can be to come at topics sort of sideways. Murderbot denies having soft emotions, but we see its reactions and can fill in the blanks. Murderbot also never "bleeds" - its organic parts "leak", which gives us a picture of what's happening while maintaining the distance that the narrating voice has from its own physical body.  

The characters are all great, the action exciting; I just have no complaints here. I'm so glad this series has been enough of a hit to bring us this far, and I'm intrigued to see where it goes next. 

5 Stars - An Awesome Book


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