Protecting the Lady

Protecting the Lady
Amanda Radley, 2021

Premise: Eve quit being a bodyguard, but she's drawn back home for one more job that demands her talents. Falling in love with her client has never been a problem before...

(It's time for a short reaction to a short book!) 

After enjoying her holiday-themed Humbug, I decided to try another light romance by this author. Unfortunately, this time I was disappointed. 

I don't have any inherent problem with a bodyguard/client romance, or a romance between an aristocrat and an anti-monarchist, but neither of these dynamics were compelling or convincing to me in this book.

Eve's hatred of the monarchy was presented as this deep-seated part of her life, as was the past trauma that had led her to initially quit working in security, but all of this was waved away very quickly once the plot demanded it. Katherine's discomfort with her own background and exceptional ability to turn her family ties to good causes was more convenient than convincing. 

For me, it was all just a bit by-the-numbers and boring, unfortunately. Ah well. 

1 Star - Didn't like it much


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