Baby Books: Objections and Quibbles

Some quick thoughts, because I haven't been reading too many full-length adult novels recently. I have been reading many, many board books.

Most of these are fine. Some of them are great. However, I do have a handful of small criticisms I would like to lodge.


Never Touch a Dragon

This book is a hit with my nine-month-old. The bright colors and especially the textures on the cover and on every page make it excellent baby bait. I have two small criticisms though. The fonts are so whimsical that I think it'll be hard for her to read as she gets older. And the first page.

The first page is different from every other page in that the part of the dragon described in the poem on this page is not the part with the texture, plus the poem on this page does not rhyme properly. Disappointing.

Dear Zoo

Lift-the-flap books are very popular with my little one so you'd think this would be a hit. However, these particular flaps are a little hard for her at this age.

In this book, the zoo sends the reader a series of inappropriate pets that they return for various stated reasons. This is where my actual criticism comes in, as one page says the snake is "too scary."

This is clear anti-snake propaganda, and I feel the need to mention the fact that snakes aren't actually scary every time we read this.

Disney Baby: Peek-A-Boo Winnie the Pooh

The "Disney baby" art style is a little bit disconcerting, but the flaps in this book are very sturdy and easy for her to work with. The simple sequence follows the various Hundred Acre Wood pals finding each other in sundry hiding places.

However, on one page the reveal is that Tigger is "bouncing behind the tent." That is clearly not a tent, that is clearly Eeyore's house. Who writes these books?


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