The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
Becky Chambers, 2014

Premise: Rosemary joins the crew of the Wayfarer, a long haul tunneling ship, just before their biggest job.

I have been hearing good things about this book since it came out, but I still enjoyed it far more than I anticipated! It's a delightful character-driven sci-fi story that's more about people and relationships than about action or adventure. It's like the talking, feeling parts of Star Trek, only with more realistic characters and more interesting questions about sapience and alien cultures.

All of the species on board Wayfarer are interesting, and any could probably sustain a novel on their own. Although Rosemary is initially presented as the newcomer, and therefore serves partially as the audience stand-in (the person everything can be explained to), she has her own past and secrets and character arc to handle.

The book is a true ensemble piece - no one character is really the 'main' character. There is an arc for each person (though some are small) and each made me want more about the characters without actually leaving me feeling unsatisfied.

There is a touch of romance, and it's well handled and lovely. There is a lot of weighty matter (free will, fate, genetic destiny, non-mammalian cultures) that is best handled in a light, often comedic work such as this one.

I'm a little sad that the sequel apparently follows a character I'm not as intrigued by (although I absolutely understand it if she's many people's favorite). Even so, I'll probably check it out; I'd love to return to this world and learn more.

5 Stars - An Awesome Book


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