Comics Briefly July: Action Comics #11, American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #2, Captain Marvel #1, Finding Gossamyr #1, Saga #5, Star Trek/Doctor Who: Assimilation #3, Wolverine and the X-Men #13

Another multi-week sum-up!

July 4: Action Comics #11
July 11: American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #2, Wolverine and the X-Men #13
July 18: Captain Marvel #1, Finding Gossamyr #1, Saga #5, Star Trek/Doctor Who: Assimilation #3

Action Comics #11
Writer: Grant Morrison, Art: Rags Morales, Rick Bryant, Brad Walker, Colorist: Brad Anderson

But Lindsay, you say, I thought you dropped Action Comics. And so I did, but I got sucked back in because there is a really great two page conversation between Batman and Superman in this one So for now I’m only officially collecting New 52 issues written by Grant Morrison, because his stuff seems the least polluted with the editorial stranglehold poisoning many of the other books. The backup in this one (written by Sholly Fisch) is pretty cute too.

American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares #2
Writer: Scott Snyder, Artist: Dustin Nguyen, Colors: John Kalisz

I think I forgot to post about Issue #1 in this new miniseries, because I forgot to check when it was coming out and picked it up late. This issue is mostly background and set-up (issue one was more action in medias res), but it’s really good background and set-up. Dracula (no, really) might be on the loose again, and Agent Hobbes, having lost most of his London personnel, has come to Felicia for help. She’s trying to get out of the whole vampire-hunting business, but her past and her obligations aren’t ready to let her go. I love Felicia, I love her complicated back-story, and the art is gorgeous and creepy here. Just a great issue.

Captain Marvel #1
Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick, Artist: Dexter Soy

Wow. WOW! I was underwhelmed by the art in the preview I saw the other day, and the art does have ups and downs. One of the notable downs being some of the early panels of Captain America. He looks like a humorless zombie. But the writing is good. DAMN good. And the art comes around mostly by the end. I’ve always wanted to like Carol Danvers, and now I do. Mission Accomplished, book.

Finding Gossamyr #1
Writer: David A. Rodriguez, Illustrations: Sarah Ellerton

Finding Gossamyr was one of the surprise highlights of Free Comic Book Day, and the first full issue is out now. Gorgeous art combines here with a surprisingly nuanced look at an unusual sibling relationship. Math-magic that threatens to break the walls between dimensions is the impetus for the plot, and the fantasy landscapes are lovely, but I’ll keep coming back for a sister struggling, trying to help her brilliant, fragile, different little brother.

Saga #5
Writer: Brian K. Vaughan, Art: Fiona Staples

Whew, these two certainly have a way with splash panels. Alana and Marco have a good day, but I’m more than a bit worried about both our bounty hunters, which isn’t something I thought I’d be saying a few issues back. A really strong issue this month: a lot happened, all plots followed up on, new sides to everyone, and continued compelling storytelling. If you can read comics for mature readers, you should be reading Saga. (If not, try Finding Gossamyr.)

Star Trek/Doctor Who: Assimilation #3
Written by: Scott & David Tipton, Tony Lee. Art by J. K. Woodward and The Sharp Brothers

Ha! Dimensions merging does odd things to one’s memory, if one is as old as a Time Lord. I’ll have to check with other fans to be sure how good the depiction of the Fourth Doctor is, but seeing Kirk try to fight Cybermen was pretty delightful. And the writers were even smart enough to give exactly the hook I wanted for the next issue. Fun stuff all around.

Wolverine and the X-Men #13
Writer: Jason Aaron, Penciler: Nick Bradshaw, Inkers: Walden Wong, Cam Smith & Nick Bradshaw, Colorist: Guru EFX

I wanted this issue to be better than it was. I liked getting more of Warbird’s back story, although I’m afraid that for me by the end it strayed too far into melodrama and felt more emotionally exploitative than emotional. It came close, and there were awesome moments, but it didn’t quite all hang together for me.


  1. It's so nice to read book reviews from someone whose writing is coherent, intelligent, humorous, and proof-read. Being a good writer should be a necessary qualification for being a reviewer. Most of the time it's not. Well done you. I really enjoyed reading this.

  2. Thank you so much! I can't stand reading articles (or books) riddled with typos myself, so I try to keep them out of my own work as best I can. Again, thank you for the comment!


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