Comics Briefly: American Vampire #22, Princeless #3

Favorite Issue this Week: American Vampire #22

Issues were new in stores on 12/28/11

American Vampire #22 (Death Race Part One)
Writer: Scott Snyder, Artist: Rafael Albuquerque, Colors: Dave McCaig

YES! This is what I was waiting for. This issue was a fantastic return to form for this book. It starts a new story about new characters in a new time, but the dialogue sparks, the art is outstanding, and the story just races along. I loved this.

Princeless #3
Story: Jeremy Whitley, Art/Colors: M. Goodwin

Princeless continues to be pretty adorable, although this issue wasn't as good as the first two. I like the new character of the smith, but there are way too many tired references and obvious old jokes in this issue for my taste. The art is still fantastic, though, and some of the dialogue still inspired.


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