Comics Briefly: Age of X: Universe #1, American Vampire #13, Dollhouse, Jimmy Olsen, Wonder Woman #609
Favorite Book This Week: Jimmy Olsen All books new in stores on 3/30/11 Age of X: Universe #1 Avengers Writer: Simon Spurrier, Pencils: Khoi Pham, Inks: Tom Palmer, Colors: Sonia Oback Spider-Man Writer: Jim McCann, Artist: Paul Davidson, Colors: Antonio Fabela Neat idea: this issue (one of two) follows other Marvel Universe characters in the alt-world of Age of X. The Avengers are broken, evil and/or deranged. Sue Storm's story is particularly fractured and interesting. I look forward to the second half. It will hopefully link up with the intro frame from this, which implies nasty things for the Avengers' fate next time. The Spiderman-story is complete in this issue, and it's short, sweet, sad and satisfying. American Vampire #13 (Ghost War Part One) Writer: Scott Snyder, Artist: Rafel Albuquerque Colors: Dave McCaig Oooh, I like this new story arc. The focus is on Pearl's husband Henry, and his story is poignant and complex. My only complaint i...