First Theme: Historical Girls

I like to read. I like to talk about books.

I read so much that if I don't write down what I think about a book, I'll probably forget. Hence, my presence on (see link to right.)

One of the reasons I want to try talking about books in a blog setting, is that I like to talk about books in the context of other books. I like to read big chunks of related content, and then switch gears drastically. I usually read whatever's on the sci-fi shelf that catches my eye, but this month I'm playing in a different genre.

So, look for posts over the next few weeks regarding my current literary cycle: Historical Girls.

Planned subjects:
(As I am only human, I have taken breaks during the string of 'girls' books... with two military sci-fi novels, and one scholarly book about vampires.)

I decided to read (in some cases re-read) these books now for a couple reasons.

1) My local library is being remodeled and is closed. Instead, a book bus is coming a couple times a week. The book bus has far fewer books, but quite a bit of "classic" children's literature. These books are in the normal branch, but in a section which, on a normal day, I might not go through. (It feels slightly sketchy to wander the children's section as an adult sans child.)

2) I saw a bunch of coverage online preparing for the release of this book:
Shelf Discovery: The Teen Classics We Never Stopped Reading

So it's time to catch up, and subject my grown-up brain to some 'girls' books. Stay tuned.


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