Comics Briefly: Batgirl #6, Batwoman #6, Demon Knights #6, Huntress #5, Wolverine and the X-Men #5

Favorite Issue This Week: Why do Wolverine and the X-Men and Demon Knights come out the same week? Either would win against almost anything else I collect...

All issues new in stores on 2/8/12

Batgirl #6
Writer: Gail Simone, Penciller: Adrian Syaf, Inker: Vicente Cifuentes, Colors: Ulises Arreola

Hmm. I liked this more than last month's, but it still had plenty of weak parts. I found the reveal of the villain's story clunky and boring, although she-got-hypnotic-power-over-men-from-being-shot-in-the-face is kind of a silly explanation anyhow. It's not a bad issue, and there are a few good Batman moments (and at least one over-the-top cloying one, your mileage may vary there). It's not good enough to prevent me from probably dropping this title from my pull list, though.

Batwoman #6
Writers: J.H. Williams III & W. Haden Blackman, Artist: Amy Reeder, Inkers: Richard Friend & Rob Hunter Colors: Guy Major

This issue was incredibly odd. There were moments that were intriguing, but it literally just consists of disconnected bits of story. It will probably be enjoyable to read in a collected edition, but as a single issue, this is a failure for me. Amy Reeder's much-anticipated art is fine.

Demon Knights #6
Writer: Paul Cornell, Pencillers: Diogenes Neves& Robson Rocha, Inkers: Oclair Albert & Diogenes Neves, Colorist: Marcelo Maiolo

I'd have liked a bit more story progress in this issue, but with seven characters to follow, I can forgive a slower pace here. Exoristos, Xanadu and the Horsewoman all get to be pretty awesome here, as the attack begins and the fighting ramps up toward next issue's climax. I really liked Al Jabr's arrow-catapults, and we see more of the Horde's crazy barbarian-dinosaurs and metal dragons. I can't wait to see how it comes together next time.

Huntress #5
Writer: Paul Levitz, Pencils: Marcus To, Inks: John Dell & Richard Zajac, Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse

An action-heavy installment this month; frankly if this weren't a mini-series I might have dropped this book. However, DC has gone ahead and admitted that Huntress (of Earth 2! I knew it!) is moving on to World's Finest after this; I am excited by that book and I'll finish out this series in anticipation. The action is good action, but I wish there was more than that to this.

Wolverine and the X-Men #5
Writer: Jason Aaron, Artist: Nick Bradshaw, Colorist: Justin Ponsor

This book continues to both make me laugh and make me care, and that's really what I'm looking for. Logan has a plan to solve the school's money troubles! No, wait, he has a new plan! Kitty's been invaded by Brood! Angel's loopy! The kids have issues! The dialogue is snappy, the pace is quick and twisty, the art is slick and expressive. Solid, enjoyable work throughout.


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