The Damiano Trilogy (previously published as A Trio for Lute)
The Damiano Trilogy (previously published as A Trio for Lute) R.A. MacAvoy, originally published in three volumes, 1984 Premise: Damiano Delstrego is a witch by heritage and a musician by choice, although few musicians, even those with second sight, have an Archangel for a lute teacher. Damiano and Raphael face tribulations, hard choices, and danger (both human and demonic) across Renaissance Italy. I loved this series (originally published as three slim volumes: Damiano, Damiano's Lute, and Raphael) in high school, and I've been meaning to reread it literally for years. I even reread the first book back in 2014, but then got distracted by other, newer works. Honestly, I finally reread it this summer because after I fell hard into fan content for Good Omens after the Amazon miniseries came out, I was reminded of the first book I loved about an angel interfering with humanity. Going back to it is... odd. I still think it's quite good. The writing is lovely, the w...