
Showing posts from January, 2015

Mother Ocean, Daughter Sea

Mother Ocean, Daughter Sea Diana Marcellas, 2001 Recent eBook release - I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley for the purpose of review. Premise: Brierley is a healer by birth, in a land where the people who had magic in the blood were thought to have been all killed long ago. Her calling brings her into politics and danger, and sheā€™s not sure where her destiny will lie, or what she wants it to be. There are things I really liked about this book. I like the way Brierleyā€™s magic works. I love her connections with previous generations of witches, knowing them mostly through secret diaries. I really like her philosophical musings about the place of those with magic, the choices they make to hide themselves. I like the hints about what could have gone so wrong between two peoples long ago. I love love LOVE her relationship with a late-introduced character, Megan. But then thereā€™s a romance and everything is terrible. Some spoilers follow. Sure, it was rela...

Death at Victoria Dock (Phryne Fisher, Book 4)

Death at Victoria Dock (Phryne Fisher, Book 4) Kerry Greenwood, 1992 Premise: Miss Phryne Fisher has been a magnet for trouble before, but itā€™s still startling to be shot at while driving down the street. After witnessing a killing at the docks, Phryne is determined to see the killers pay, no matter if it leads her and her household into further danger. No, youā€™re not seeing things, I didnā€™t review books two or three. I did read them. Iā€™ve really been enjoying Kerry Greenwoodā€™s work for the past year. Itā€™s great light bus reading. I wanted to mention this one in more depth because while I liked books two and three, this one really brought the things I liked in the first book back to the forefront. In the intervening time since book one, Phryne has settled her new household, and even added to it, taking in two orphaned girls. The double plot of this novel follows both the investigation of the murder of a young anarchist and the disappearance of a well-off young woman. Bo...

Catwoman: Volume 3: Under Pressure

Catwoman: Volume 3: Under Pressure Ed Brubaker, Paul Gulacy, Sean Phillips, Diego Olmos, 2014 Premise: Sequel to No Easy Way Down . Selina returns from her road trip to find that the East End of Gotham needs her help more than ever. But sheā€™s standing alone against a tideā€¦ Collects Catwoman #25-37. And so Ed Brubaker's run on Catwoman comes to an end, not quite with a bang. The writing is still pretty decent, although the larger plotting feels disjointed and awkward. The art however, is just bad. Paul Gulacy more or less ruined this book for me. It isn't so much that the characters are ugly, although they are. It's that they change drastically depending on the angle and are unrecognizable. If you didn't tell me that was supposed to be Holly and Karon, I would never have known. All of the women are frightening face on, with weirdly grotesque shading. It made it really difficult for me to enjoy the story, especially when the prior volumes had such good art. ...

Tales from High Hallack, Volume 3

Tales from High Hallack, Volume 3 Andre Norton, collection published 2014 Recent Release. I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley for the purpose of review. Premise: A collection of Andre Nortonā€™s short stories. No real uniting theme. I read this book some time ago, but put off writing about it. Partially, honestly, under that old rule: ā€œif you canā€™t say something niceā€¦ā€ Was it a bad book? No. Not terrible, but neither was it great. Maybe these are the leftovers and volumes one and two are stronger? This is just a set of middling stories. Andre Norton was extremely prolific, so some of her work is bound to be just 'fine'. A few of them were quite good, but nothing that really stayed with me. At this point, I donā€™t even remember which stories I liked or what they were about. I ate up her short novels as a teenager and have read and enjoyed a few in the past few years, but I guess her short stories donā€™t really work for me. 2 Stars - An Okay Book...