Salt Magic, Skin Magic
Salt Magic, Skin Magic Lee Welch, 2018 Premise: Lord Thornby can't leave his father's estate. It's not that he doesn't want to, but for some reason, he just can't. When John Blake arrives at the house claiming to be a magician, Thornby laughs it off at first. But only together can they rescue Thornby from madness or worse. There was a point last winter when all I wanted to do was lie on the couch, nibble on crackers, and read fluffy romance. (Dear first trimester, I'm glad you're done.) Of course, I have a particular definition of "fluffy", as the discussion in this review explains. I need a certain amount of adventure and danger to make any romance worth my time. So once I'd re-read the Magpie Lord series from start to end (seriously I should circle bac...