Lost Stars (Star Wars, Journey to the Force Awakens)
Lost Stars (Star Wars, Journey to the Force Awakens) Claudia Gray, 2015 Premise: Thane and Ciena grow up together, even though their families couldn't be more different and still be from the same planet. When they join the Imperial Academy, everything will change. I wanted to love this book. I heard nothing but praise for it. "It's a YA in Star Wars; it's great!" Unfortunately, for me, the combination of YA romance and Star Wars novel ended up accentuating the worst of each. To be fair, I quite liked the beginning, which followed the two characters growing up on a planet that is annexed by the Empire during their childhood. The way they didn't understand galactic politics as children felt realistic. They both work hard to enroll in the Imperial training school to get to fly starships. As the characters got a little older and started to fall for each other it was a little melodramatic but not bad. Then, however, the plot started to take turns ...