Anticipation is All

Once upon a time, in late 1995, I was in a bookstore. Probably a Borders. And I saw a book. Not just any book, THE book I had heard about, waited for, anticipated. I ran over, seized a copy off the shelf, and crushed it to my chest, proceeding to do a rather ridiculous happy dance there in the store. As it turned out, that book was not worth my eager enthusiasm, as the quality was somewhat mixed, shall we say. (Shame on you, Weis and Hickman, for toying with my affections!) But the memory of that feeling remains. Even today, now that I get my new hardcovers from the library, and only buy books that I've read at least once, the first time I see a book I've been anticipating is a thrill. Yes, even when I don't read it right away. I occasionally check in at Barnes and Noble to look longingly at the new editions that I'll read when they appear at the library. When the book I'm on the lookout for appears on the New Releases shelf, I feel an ...