Day Twenty-six – OMG WTF? plot

Hmmm. A decent book with a WTF plot: Perdido Street Station. It's been a while, but I think there are bug people and a caterpillar that eats brainwaves and the plot completely shifts about half-way through. I thought it was well written, but loathed the ending with the fire of a thousand suns.

A bad book with a WTF plot: Space Junque. This little e-novella starts out as pretty good post-apocalyptic sci-fi romance, but completely switches into poorly plotted future religion-destiny-fantasy stuff and abandons the original tone entirely. I didn't like that much.

Full schedule of the Reading Meme Here.


  1. I haven't read this Mieville before but "A decent book with a WTF plot" about describes his book The City and The City. I wonder if that's his writing M.O.

  2. Hah, I wouldn't be surprised, honestly, just from what I've heard about his other books.


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